The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that Germany's population reached 84.4mn people by the end of 2022. This represents a growth of 1.1mn individuals, or 1.3%, compared to the previous year. The main driver of this population growth is immigration, with net immigration reaching 1.4mn people in the past year.

Destatis further provided insights into the characteristics of the migrants who have moved to Germany in the last decade. On average, these individuals are younger than the native population, with an average age of 29.9 compared to 47.0 across the overall population. The data showed a near gender parity among the 15.3mn migrants in Germany during this period, with 47% being women and 53% men.
Regarding the reasons for migration, 27.9% of migrants stated that they moved to Germany fleeing or seeking asylum, while 24.2% were in search of employment opportunities. Additionally, 23.8% migrated to join their families, and 8.2% pursued academic opportunities.
Destatis also highlighted the most common countries of origin for migrants. Syria, which has been affected by civil war, accounted for 16% of migrants, followed by Romania (7%), Poland (6%), and Ukraine (5%). However, it was noted that the increase in arrivals from Ukraine in 2022 may not have been adequately represented in the available data.
Despite the positive population growth driven by immigration, Germany continues to experience a higher number of deaths than births, which has been a consistent trend for almost two decades.
#Germany #EU #migration #asylum
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