Editorial office
The team of Daryo is comprised of more than 50 experienced, young well-known journalists, as well as editors and proofreaders. Our creative team consists of both young personnel and professional journalists with considerable work experience behind them.
We work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to keep our readers up to date with all important events and news.

Muzaffar Ismailov

Chief editor
Ahmad Yusupov
Yokubjon BobojonovDeputy chief editor
Sevara NishonovaEditor
Nigora AloevaEditor
Musulmonbek IbrohimovEditor
Zulfiya KarimovaEditor
Hilola GiyosovaCorrector
Munojot AdilovaCorrector
Ugiloy MirakhmatovaCorrector
Madina NurmanovaPhotojournalist
Marufjon OchilovReporter
Nargiza MurodovaReporter
Islombek UmaraliyevReporter
Otabek KuldoshevReporter
Risolat AbdushukurovaReporter
Tawney KrugerCorrector
Albina GimranovaReporter
Sevara SoliyevaColumnist, Reporter
Mokhinur SultanovaEditor
Khadicha AbdurashidovaEditor
Babayants ViktoriyaReporter
Azamat HaydaraliyevEditor
Oyzodabegim BoymanovaEditor
Umar MuhammadiyVideo editor
Maqsud JumaqulovSMM
Ilhom XursanaliyevVideooperator
Ulugbek UsmonovVideooperator