The US State Department's annual Report on Trafficking in Persons for 2023 acknowledges Uzbekistan's continued efforts in combating human trafficking while recognizing areas where improvement is needed. The country remains in Tier 2, indicating that the government has not fully met the minimum standards set by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act but is actively working to address the issue.

The Uzbekistan government's initiatives, as highlighted in the report, demonstrate progress in combating human trafficking. These include an increase in investigations, prosecutions, and convictions of human traffickers, strengthened support for labour migrants abroad, and increased funding for the country's sole shelter dedicated to assisting trafficking victims. These efforts signify a commitment to addressing the issue and providing necessary support to victims.
However, challenges persist. The report highlights a decrease in the identification of trafficking victims, which raises concerns about the effectiveness of detection and reporting mechanisms. Furthermore, the imposition of unofficial quotas on cotton cultivation by some local officials is identified as a potential factor contributing to coercion during the cotton harvest, requiring attention to prevent labour exploitation in this sector.
The data provided in the report reveals that Uzbekistan identified 93 trafficking victims in 2022, a decline from the previous year. The majority of victims were subjected to sex trafficking within Uzbekistan, while others were victims of forced labour identified abroad. The report also mentions 172 investigations conducted by the Uzbekistan government, focusing on cases of sex trafficking, human trafficking, and unidentified child exploitation.
To further enhance efforts against human trafficking, it is crucial for Uzbekistan to address the challenges mentioned in the report. Strengthening victim identification and support mechanisms, combating labour exploitation in sectors such as cotton cultivation, and continuing to enhance law enforcement efforts will be vital steps in ensuring sustained progress.
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