The Iraqi Ministry of Communications has announced the blocking of the popular messaging app Telegram, Reuters reported on August 6. This decision comes after repeated requests to the platform to address concerns about data leaks and potential misuse for fraudulent and criminal activities went unanswered. Despite emphasising its commitment to citizens' freedom of expression and communication, the ministry underscored the importance of maintaining the security of the state and its institutions.

The decision to block Telegram highlights the ongoing challenge faced by governments in balancing individual rights with security concerns in the digital age. While citizens' freedom of expression is acknowledged, the potential risks posed by platforms that facilitate data leaks and criminal activities cannot be ignored. This development reflects a broader global trend where authorities are grappling with the regulatory oversight of digital platforms to ensure both privacy and security.
The absence of a response from Telegram to the Iraqi authorities' concerns raises questions about the responsibilities of technology companies in addressing potential misuse of their platforms.
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