In the 2022/2023 report from Open Data Watch, Uzbekistan has achieved a notable score of 69.7 points on the "Open Gender Data Index," positioning itself among the top 20 countries globally in this important indicator. The Open Gender Data Index serves as a crucial measure of the accessibility and transparency of gender-related data worldwide. It evaluates the availability of 11 indicators across 35 statistical categories.

Within Uzbekistan, significant efforts have been undertaken by the country's statistical authorities to enhance the collection and management of gender-related statistics. Specifically, the Statistical Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has established a dedicated department responsible for the collection, processing, and analysis of gender statistics.
As part of these efforts, the agency has launched the official website, which is actively utilized to disseminate gender-related data. Additionally, gender statistics are made available on several other official websites, including,,,, and data.egov.

The website currently hosts more than 180 indicators related to gender statistics, presented in three languages and five different formats across all sections of the site. This comprehensive approach ensures that gender-related data is easily accessible and comprehensible to a wide audience.
Furthermore, Uzbekistan is actively collaborating with international organizations and representatives from other countries to enhance the expertise of its personnel within the statistical system and facilitate knowledge exchange.
The country has also created a dedicated page on the website that encompasses the set of 52 minimum gender indicators recommended by the UN Statistical Commission. Uzbekistan has successfully developed and consistently updates these minimum gender indicators in cooperation with relevant ministries and agencies.

In line with the recommendations of the UN Statistical Commission, Uzbekistan has expanded its efforts to create and publish more than 130 additional gender-related indicators across eight areas on its official website. Additionally, the country provides information for monitoring 61 target indicators on a separate page of the website.
Uzbekistan has gone further by introducing supplementary gender statistics indicators based on 27 types of statistical observations obtained from over 550,000 enterprises and organizations. These supplementary indicators are regularly updated and are prominently displayed on the main indicators page of the official website.
Earlier Daryo reported that gender equality is priority in Uzbekistan and country achieved 49% female university enrollment, 35% women in public admin, and passed laws against domestic violence.
#GenderEquality is priority in #Uzbekistan. We've achieved 49% #female university enrollment, 35% women in #public admin, and passed #laws against #domesticviolence. Excited to partner with @UN_Women for the Asian Women Forum in Uzbekistan next year. Empowering women together! 💪…
— Daryo | Central Asia & Afghanistan (@DaryoEng) September 21, 2023
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