The Republic of Kazakhstan is considering the adoption of a single time zone across the country starting in March 2024. The Ministry of Trade and Integration has published a draft government decision proposing that several regions adjust their clocks one hour backwards to align with the 5 o’clock zone, which corresponds to UTC+5.

Currently, Kazakhstan operates in two time zones: UTC+5 and UTC+6, with the majority of the country, excluding the western regions, observing the latter. However, experts have raised concerns that the UTC+6 time zone is misaligned with natural solar time, potentially disrupting biological rhythms and adversely affecting human health.
The proposed change is backed by a comprehensive report titled “The Main Results of the Study of Time Calculation in the Republic of Kazakhstan,” which was developed by a working group under the Ministry of Trade and Integration. This group, comprising members of parliament, central and local state authorities, scientific institutes, medical universities, and public figures, has examined the implications of time zone regulation and synchronization with solar time on public health, the economy, education, security, and the environment.

The report, approved on December 1, 2023, advocates for the unification of the country’s time zones to UTC+5, which is considered the most suitable option for many regions in Kazakhstan, allowing for a closer alignment with natural time. The draft decision is open for public discussion until December 22.
Time zone changes can have significant effects on public health and the economy. Research indicates that disruptions in circadian rhythms can lead to serious diseases, mood disorders, and economic impacts. The decision to unify Kazakhstan’s time zones is expected to mitigate these issues by synchronizing social activity with biological time.
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