On January 17, the former president of the Russian Federation and current deputy chairman of the Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, on his social media, emphasized the Kremlin's perspective on the existence of independent states in what is considered historical Russian territories. The statement suggests that, regardless of the leadership in Ukraine, the region is perceived as lacking legitimacy, leading to a constant threat of conflict, Daryo correspondent dicsussed in recent interview with political scientist Abduvali Soyibnazarov.

Medvedev's assertion, "The presence of another independent state in the historical territories of Russia is a constant reason to start military operations. It's late now. No matter who is at the helm of the cancer known as Ukraine, it will have no legitimacy or legal standing. Therefore, the possibility of a new conflict remains constant. Always." reflects the Kremlin's stance.

The potential disintegration of Ukraine is a recurring theme, as hinted at during a meeting of the Russian Security Council where post-war goals of the Polish government were discussed. The Kremlin, according to experts, subtly indicated an interest in annexing western Ukrainian regions to Poland but only with Moscow's agreement. This nuanced approach suggests that Russia's territorial claims are selective.
Medvedev's cautionary statement further warns that no external force can protect Ukraine from the possibility of a new war. Regardless of agreements signed with the West, Medvedev asserts a one-hundred-percent likelihood of future conflict. The ominous declaration includes an indifference to Ukraine's potential affiliations with the European Union or NATO, emphasizing the inevitability of war and the existential threat posed to Ukrainians.
Soyibnazarov suggests that the key to countering potential threats lies in the unification, integration, and military growth of neighboring republics and Turkic states. The need for a robust military deterrent, focused on preventing conflict rather than winning it, is underscored as a means to dissuade potential aggressors in this era of transformative geopolitical dynamics.
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