Uzbekistan approves air traffic agreement with Hungary
In an update from the "Huquqiy axborot" (Legal Information) channel on Telegram on March 20, it was announced that a presidential decision has been reached regarding the approval of an international agreement. The decision specifically pertains to the agreement on air traffic between the government of Uzbekistan and Hungary, which was formally signed on August 19, 2023, in Budapest.

As per the decision, the Ministry of Transport has been designated as the competent body responsible for implementing the provisions outlined in the international agreement. Additionally, the Cabinet of Ministers and the heads of relevant ministries and departments are tasked with ensuring strict compliance with the agreement's provisions once it comes into effect.
By approving the agreement with Hungary, Uzbekistan aims to enhance its air traffic relations with a key European partner. ties between nations.
In January 2023, the government approved an agreement on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs affairs with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, in February, Uzbekistan announced plans to collaborate with Pakistan in the field of preferential trade.
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