Over the past five years, the level of greenness in Bukhara and Tashkent has decreased to 37% and 33%, respectively, according to a study conducted by experts at the Institute of Macroeconomic and Territorial Studies (IMTS) analyzing the expansion of cities in Uzbekistan and its impact on the environment.

The study found that the largest number of houses were erected in Samarkand, Kashkadarya, Bukhara regions, and Tashkent city between 2017 and 2021, resulting in a decrease in greenery in some cities.
The IMTS also analyzed the different urban expansion scenarios, including outward expansion and vertical growth, which has advantages such as optimizing land use and promoting sustainable urban development. However, vertical growth also presents challenges, including infrastructure requirements, environmental impact, and liveability.
The IMTS recommended preserving green areas due to their positive impact on human health, according to international studies. Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and the risk of heart disease.
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