Uzbekistan's lawmakers have passed a new bill to protect the country's natural environment, as per the country's unveiled report.

The document increases fines for illegal actions such as cutting, uprooting, damaging, destroying, or replanting trees, shrubs, plants, and seedlings.
Repeat offenders of such offenses may face detention of up to 15 days.
The law also introduces administrative responsibility for project documents that lead to the felling, uprooting, damaging, or destroying of valuable trees and shrubs.
Amendments have been made to ensure that the same administrative offense is subject to the same article for one type of administrative offense to avoid disproportionate fines.
The law also aims to prevent administrative offenses related to illegal felling, uprooting, damage, or destruction of trees and shrubs and increase the liability of natural and legal persons. It also aims to improve crime prevention and state environmental control.
The senators passed the bill, showing their commitment to protecting Uzbekistan's environment.
Uzbekistan's Cabinet of Ministers has approved a national action plan for increasing resilience to natural disasters and climate change from 2023 to 2030.
Earlier, Daryo reported that a 61-year-old mature tree was cut down for road expansion and bridge reconstruction in the Altynsai district of the Surkhandarya region.
The Tashkent City Administration is introducing new measures to improve the care of green spaces in the city. Each tree in Uzbekistan's capital will be assigned a passport, and a specific individual will be responsible for its upkeep.
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