Pavel Durov's announcement of monetization features in Telegram, made a day prior, will not be universally applicable across all countries, specifically, in the CIS countries, The Bell reports, citing sources close to the company. The program is set to function primarily in regions where the existing Telegram Ads advertising model has not been successful.

Native Advertising Messages
Since its launch in November 2021, users from Russia and CIS countries have been exposed to native advertising messages in public channels. Telegram sells advertising in these markets through authorized agencies, facilitating bulk purchases of impressions.
In March, Telegram Ads will commence operations in approximately 100 countries worldwide. Channel administrators in these countries stand to benefit, receiving 50% of the advertising revenue generated by Telegram through their channels.
Targeting New Markets through Revenue Sharing
Telegram aims to leverage monetization by offering a share of revenue to administrators in countries where the traditional advertising model hasn't gained traction. By incentivizing partnerships and intermediaries, the platform seeks to expand its presence in untapped markets.
As per the insiders, the initiative is geared towards penetrating new markets and countries, avoiding the need for extensive agency networks. However, in regions like Russia where Telegram advertising has already gained popularity, the monetization program may not be as impactful.
Transactions to Utilize Toncoin Cryptocurrency
All financial transactions within the monetization program will be conducted using the Toncoin cryptocurrency via the TON blockchain platform. This approach ensures transactional speed and security while enabling channel owners to reinvest earnings into channel development and promotion with ease, as highlighted by Durov.
Earlier, it was reported that Telegram founder Pavel Durov has unveiled a version of the popular messaging app for VisionOS, the operating system designed for Apple's Vision Pro headset. Durov shared a video on the Telegram channel showcasing the augmented reality (AR) experience.
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