The changes that occurred in the digital infrastructure of Uzbekistan in 2017-2022 were analyzed by experts from the Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research (PMTI).

During the period of the analysis, a significant increase in all indicators of the digital infrastructure was noted in the country. Including:
- The speed of connection to the international data transmission network (Internet) increased 28 times and reached 1800 Gbit/s in 2022;
- The price of internet tariffs for providers decreased 30 times, that is, from $90 in 2017 to $3 in 2022;
- The total length of optical fiber communication lines increased 7 times, from 24,500 km in 2017 to 170,000 km in 2022;
- The number of mobile base stations increased almost 3 times and reached 54,000 in 2022;
- In 2022, 75% of the population had access to the Internet. In 2017, this indicator was 34.5%;
- The share of mobile network subscribers increased from 70% to 86% in 2017-2022 (a 1.2-fold increase).
- The development of the digital economy (to increase its share in GDP by at least 2.5 times by the end of 2026) is defined as the main "driver" in the "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy.
A number of comprehensive measures aimed at the development of the digital services market and infrastructure have been developed. Including:
- It is planned to increase the production of software products by 5 times, and export by 10 times, that is, to $500mn;
- It is set to reach a 70% digitization level in production and operational processes in the real sector of the economy, in the financial and banking sectors;
- Digitalization of urban planning and construction, and priority to their development within the framework of the "Smart City" concept.
Thus, further improvement of the digital infrastructure is to help ensure quality economic growth, expand business opportunities, and increase the population's access to education, services, and online employment.
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