The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs (NCE) of Kazakhstan, "Atameken," published a list of the most popular specialties in Kazakhstan. In addition, experts interviewed domestic entrepreneurs, a Daryo correspondent from Kazakhstan reports.

According to the press service of NCE, the country lacks sewists, cooks, security guards, laborers, and car mechanics. Industries experiencing a personnel shortage are trade, manufacturing, construction, education, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries.
More than 51,000 companies and private business people were involved in the monitoring. The survey discovered across over 134,000 personnel, about half of the specialists would need just vocational education to qualify in their field. More than a quarter of specialists can get a job without an education. And only for every fifth vacancy a higher education is mandatory.
Timur Nakhipbekov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE, noted that the staff of the Chamber conducts such analysis annually and without any significant changes. Over 70% of the labor market needs workers. However, lawyers, managers, and economists are not relatively in high demand.
“Everyone needs laborer-workers. At the same time, these workers are classified as low-paid positions. Their salary is in the range of $259-$415. The average income is around $331," Nakhipbekov specified.
The highest average income among employees was recorded in Almaty - about $433), and the lowest salary is received in the Turkestan region - roughly $259.
Svetlana Shesterneva, Almaty
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