Kazakhstan may legalize the sale of donor's kidneys to help solve the country's issue with the shortage of transplantation organs, says Deputy Guldara Nurumova. In addition, she believes it is necessary to promote the act of donation, Daryo correspondent from Kazakhstan reports, citing Orda.kz.

The official pointed out that unofficial organ sales offers are often found in Kazakhstan. However, kidney sales are legal in Iran and Pakistan, where the average price of a kidney is reportedly $5,000-$6,000.
“Why not study the experience of foreign countries in this matter and regulate this here?”, Nurumova asked.
She sent a request to Deputy Prime Minister Altai Kulginov, where she indicated that currently, 3,805 Kazakhstanis, including 90 children, need donor organs in need of organ transplants. About 91% of patients require a donor's kidney.
In 2022, some 320 people reportedly died in the country while waiting for vital organ transplantation. One donor is said to allow to save up to seven lives.
Svetlana Shesterneva, Almaty
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