Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated the people of Uzbekistan on the occasion of Ramadan on April 21.

Below is the full congratulatory speech of the head of state.
"Dear compatriots!
I am very pleased to congratulate you, dear ones, and our entire nation on the great day of Ramadan, which is welcomed with great joy and pride by the Muslims of our country as well as the entire Islamic community in the world, and I am very pleased to express my highest respect and sincere wishes to all of you.
In these happy moments, when our hearts are filled with the light of joy and goodness, first of all, we thank the Creator for bringing us and our country safely to such auspicious and bright days.
Ramadhan, which our people have long appreciated and honored as a symbol of humanity, kindness, generosity, and tolerance, has been carefully prepared this year as well, and appropriate measures have been taken to celebrate it properly. This made it possible for our believers to perform all religious prayers meaningfully and to fully enjoy the intercession and virtues of this blessed month. It is especially noteworthy that thousands of our compatriots were lucky enough to go to the two holy cities - Makkah Mukarrama and Madinah Munawwara - to perform Umrah during the days of Ramadan.
We accept all this as an infinite blessing of Allah to our people who keep their religion pure and live with pure intentions.
Dear compatriots!
In the process of building a new Uzbekistan, along with all spheres of our lives, our work in the religious direction is rising to a new level. Of course, it is well known to our people and society that we have been doing great things in this regard together with you in recent years.
In particular, the international scientific research centers of Imam Bukhari, Imam Termizi, and Imam Moturidi have started working in our country, the Mir Arab Higher Madrasa has been founded in Bukhara, the School of Hadith Science has been founded in Samarkand, the shrines of Abu Muin Nasafi in Kashkadarya, Sultan Uwais Qarani in Namangan, and the Suzuk Ota Complex has been rebuilt in Tashkent. The construction of dozens of magnificent mosques, the establishment of religious educational institutions, and the improvement of places of worship will remain a special bright page in our spiritual and spiritual life.
The most important thing is that our large-scale works, such as the Center of Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan, and the Imam Bukhari Memorial Complex, are being intensively continued.
More favorable conditions are being created for our believers and Muslims to perform their prayers safely. Speaking about this, it is necessary to note that the quota for the Umrah pilgrimage has been canceled, and the number of pilgrims has tripled. In particular, it is worth noting that in the last period of this year alone, more than 31,000 of our compatriots performed holy prayers in Mecca and Medina and returned with good prayers for our country.
The state and non-state organizations in our country are also beautifying holy places and providing material and moral support to needy people and low-income families.
All this is a practical expression of the efforts being made to ensure freedom of conscience and restore and honor religious and spiritual values in our country, and we will continue such meritorious work consistently in the future.
Dear friends!
As we aim to preserve peace and tranquility and harmony in our dear Motherland, to make the life of our people more free and prosperous, we are proud of all our achievements during the past period, including the positive changes in ensuring freedom of conscience and belief. Of course, we all understand well that we need to strengthen it in every way, that this is required by our current and future development.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, to make our reforms aimed at ensuring human dignity, rights and freedoms, vital interests more effective and sustainable, and a deep sense of responsibility and belonging to one's destiny and future. I sincerely express my gratitude to all our compatriots, our multi-ethnic nation, who live with us and work selflessly.
Dear and dear compatriots!
In these happy moments, we sincerely congratulate the Muslims of the world, our friends, and partners with Ramadan, and wish peace, stability, prosperity, and prosperity to their countries and peoples.
I once again congratulate you, my dear compatriots, who are happily welcoming the blessed Eid-ul-Fitr in their families and neighborhoods and wish you all good health, happiness, and blessings in your homes.
May the noble aspirations of our people with pure intentions and great goals come true!
Happy Ramadan to all of us!"
Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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