European Union and the G7 countries believe that a hybrid tribunal is the most realistic way to hold the Russian leadership and other perpetrators of crimes against Ukraine accountable a high-ranking official of the European Union shares with DW.

This tribunal would involve bringing justice to those responsible. The most likely option for justice will be an international tribunal under the jurisdiction of Ukraine.
Ukraine's ratification of the Rome Statute is considered very important by the EU. The European Commission proposed the creation of a special court to prosecute Russia's crime of aggression against Ukraine at the end of 2022.
Two options were considered: a special independent international tribunal based on a multilateral treaty, or a "hybrid court" that combines the jurisdiction of a particular country, such as Ukraine, and a process based on international law with judges from different countries.
The prosecutor of the special court may issue a sentence depriving the top leadership of the immunity of the sovereign state based on his decision. According to a high-ranking official in Brussels, the prosecution must present a serious case, and it is important to open an international center for the investigation of the crime of aggression against Ukraine in The Hague.
Sweden, which currently holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union, has announced that such a center should start working at the end of June.
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